Monday, February 13, 2012

So happy to be an RA!

I love my job.  I'm a resident assistant on the 3rd floor and I love it!  My residents are great, my staff is awesomely supportive, and even being on duty in the office is fun.

When I started this job I thought it would be boring and pointless (after all, who cares about RAs?)  But now, I'm getting noticed on campus as a helper, I have a great support group from people I would have never associated with otherwise, my references for summer jobs are amazing, and I'm just having fun!

In the office, when I sit on duty for 5 hours a night (not every night thank goodness!) I can do homework, have the TV on for background noise and greet everyone who comes in the building.  Residents wave hello and goodbye, some even stop by for a minute or two for a chat.  My fellow RAs pop in to see if I need any food or help, and I'm the person people come to for help. :)  That's a great feeling, to know that people need you and more importantly they are coming to you specifically.

Not to mention my bulletin boards and door decorations!  I was so psyched to make them this semester, it's a great perk of the job.  And now that the semester is starting I'm also doing programs.  (Gearing up for a Valentine's Day dinner date program, SO EXCITED)

Besides, I just like the job.  I enjoy being known on campus and having people want to ask me for help.  I love being an RA.  Best job in the world.