Saturday, November 2, 2019

OMM2019 - Bonus Movie: The Black Cat (1934)


Surprise! There's one more movie for the #OctoverMovieMarathon. Solely because Larry and I really wanted to see this at the Stanford Theater (Palo Alto, CA- check it out!) They had organ music at the start, it's a restored Hollywood "Film Palace" from 1925.

The Black Cat (1934)
Quite good. There's a lot of cinematic moments with good musical scoring. Karloff and Legosi were fantastic, but maybe because they were the only ones with actual characters to work with... one point knocked off for a few odd plot choices and for a lack of character development for almost everyone. Also, not enough Black Cat. Though it does answer the question: "Who would win in a fight? Frankenstein or Dracula?"