Lately I've become pretty active on Facebook. It's my personal page, and when I browse Facebook, I tend to look at pictures from pages I like. This then leads to my liking a bunch of pictures and sharing others.
This is where the problem lies. I end upsharing posting too much.
Today my statues/shares totaled 31. I'm not sure how that compares to other people, but according to my friends on Facebook I AM THE NEWSFEED. So I guess I'm at least flooding that. But it brings up a question:
This is where the problem lies. I end up
Today my statues/shares totaled 31. I'm not sure how that compares to other people, but according to my friends on Facebook I AM THE NEWSFEED. So I guess I'm at least flooding that. But it brings up a question:
How much is "Too Much" posting?
Before I begin dissecting my own actions, let me first explore my personal Rules of the Internet. There's a couple rules that I believe you should abide by when posting on the internet. (I'm only going to post a few here that are somewhat relevant. Maybe next blog I'll do a full one about all my rules...)
- TMI - Too Much Information. Pretty self explanatory. A good way to check this is to ask yourself one question: "If someone else was telling me the same thing- would I feel awkward?" It's that status about how you feel sick, which goes into detail about exactly which part of you hurts, how, why, and the amount of vomit you've spewed compared to the diarrhea that's come out. See? You already feel awkward. Keep that $#%* to yourself.
- Memes and Reposting - This rule is something that happens mostly on sites like Reddit, Tumblr, or Imgur where people post many pictures or memes. I'm sure you've already seen this, when people keep posting that same joke, that same picture, over and over and over. It's funny once. Maybe twice. Not so much later. On Facebook, the biggest culprit is memes. It's not terrible, but it's annoying. Surely there's something else out there that's just as funny that we haven't already seen! And these pictures aren't being posted to raise awareness, they're just funny. The flip side of this problem is when people post other pictures or words without giving credit to the original creator.
- Swearing - I don't like swearing. So I try not to use anything that would be censored on a PG movie. However, I recognize that there are others who don't mind swearing. So I don't hold others to this rule unless every &$*#%( other &*#$%*+{? word is a $(#%+\#@!^ swear. Don't go overboard. There are kids on the internet. As adults we should be able to recognize it.
- Act Your Age in Real Life - Basically, if you're 20 something- you should act and behave like you are that age and the same as if you were real life. There's that feeling on the internet where people think they can just do whatever they want without penalties. But you are a person who can control your own actions, so you should.

My first thought is that I'm mostly sharing pictures. It's not personal statuses, so I'm not crossing the TMI boundary. And I'm not simply reposting silly pictures. Most of the pictures I share come from Feminist pages, and have something to do with that movement and link right back to the page I got them from. So that takes out. There's not a lot of swearing in the posts... and they are valid discussions on the topic. So what's the problem?
Rule #5.
You don't see a Rule #5 on my list? That's because I don't have one. But others seem to. But only on Facebook.
5. Unless you're a page - don't post so much.
I've... never gotten that rule. I still don't. Part of the backlash I've received has something to do with the stuff I'm posting. Either it's not funny, or not interesting, or not what they want to see. But I have hundreds of friends. I'm not on Facebook for 1 or 2. In fact, my Facebook is mostly for me. So when I'm posting stuff, I'm really just posting because I'm enjoying it. It's like that tumblr you had where no one followed you, but you reblogged stuff anyways because you liked it? It's that.
Except it's Facebook and I guess that's different.
So I'm not sure what to do about that...
What are your own guidelines for the internet?
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