My apologies, I got so caught up in vlogging on youtube that I forgot I had this written one.
What's happened while I've been neglecting this? I finally got a job for one thing- I'm not working as a camp counselor at the local Girl Scout camps. And, even thought I don't like children particularly I seem to be pretty good at it. The girls love me- and they're a never ending source of entertainment. I usually always have quotes from them. Such as: "This cow is tripping." "My butterfly only has one eye... he has PROBLEMS!" "No! It's your body and your grandfather can't tell you to pull out your teeth if you don't want to." "Can I get new water? Mine isn't wet anymore."
Good times. Hot times. The heat index has been in the 100s all week! (That's the combination of heat and humidity or something like that...) Thankfully the camps have a few air conditioned buildings that we can put the girls in when it gets too hot. And a pool and water games if all else fails.
I've actually been at Camp Tapawingo for the past week with no internet connection so now I'm behind on all my vlogs and everything else. But I finally got a move-in date for college. August 17th. And you know what that means? That means I need to figure out a date for a last summer bash before I leave for school! :( Everyone's super busy so I have no idea if I'll even be able to get people to come though... Even my best friend is busy with the band and everything...
But I need to not be depressed. You know how people get depressed in the winter? For me it's the summer. I'm always depressed in the summer because everyone is busy and not able to hang out. At least during the school year I can blame homework and things... but I digress.
I'm currently in Iowa because of family health issues- I'll let you know what's going on after things settle down a bit.
On another note- we're fostering kittens! We have 3 of them from my brother's girlfriend's sister who found them abandoned and tried to take them to the animal shelter but they were all full. So they asked us to take care of them. We plan on putting and ad in the paper for them. Which means that as soon as it's in the paper they will all be claimed in a few minutes.
That's really all that's happened to me... not much to report... just tired tired tired.
Until later!
Just a way to keep myself honest about the world and what I think. It's a way to make myself follow through with my promises.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Year's Resolution
I know I've been gone for awhile... and I was saying that I was going to post here often as part of my New Year's Resolution.
But you know what? It seems that all my resolutions just end up being started when summer does. I mean, school's out, I'm free to do things without worrying about homework or tests... summer resolutions. That's what I do. And now that I'm able- I'll post here more often. And maybe post some videos.... maybe. >.> <.< yeah....
Anyways- what I actually wanted to post about was the HORRORS I'm facing during my family vacation. Firstly, it's my brother, mother, father and me in the car- we didn't have enough room so we had to rent a trailer and buy a hitch for it because the car they brought didn't have one. Plus it's very awkward for me because I want to continue my research.
I've been doing the classic college student theme of questioning my faith and I thought that since I'm going to a campus with bunches of different religions I might as well learn about all of them. After all, the religion that will work for me should stand out to me right? It should at least make sense to me. And I'm worried that will be a problem for my parents (my mother especially) if they see me reading up on stuff.
Currently I'm researching Wicca. Before this I was learning about the Krishna Consciousness by reading their book the Bhagavad Gita, but it seemed to heavy to me. Plus it was a little to warlike and pro-fighting for me and there was a bit about how women, children and animals are very similar... And because I'm dating a Jew I've been absorbing Jewish ideas and learning about that. I went on a biking trip where everyone was Muslim except for me so I got to observe some of their ideas and I found some brochures to read up on it. But none of them seemed to work for me. So now I'm on to Wicca.
And I really like it. I really do- I won't go into specifics until I try some of the exercises in "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham. But I want to READ IT! Unfortunately I don't want to read it around my parents in case I start getting the third degree. Ugh...
<.< >.>
I have a plan. I'm going to wake up early tomorrow and read outside. Then I'll just be at the breakfast when it opens so I can have some alone time. (Which believe me is precious when I'm with my brother in the back of the car.... :P )
Well, I better get to bed if I'm going to do that. So this'll be it for this post.
See ya later! This is Pim signing out
But you know what? It seems that all my resolutions just end up being started when summer does. I mean, school's out, I'm free to do things without worrying about homework or tests... summer resolutions. That's what I do. And now that I'm able- I'll post here more often. And maybe post some videos.... maybe. >.> <.< yeah....
Anyways- what I actually wanted to post about was the HORRORS I'm facing during my family vacation. Firstly, it's my brother, mother, father and me in the car- we didn't have enough room so we had to rent a trailer and buy a hitch for it because the car they brought didn't have one. Plus it's very awkward for me because I want to continue my research.
I've been doing the classic college student theme of questioning my faith and I thought that since I'm going to a campus with bunches of different religions I might as well learn about all of them. After all, the religion that will work for me should stand out to me right? It should at least make sense to me. And I'm worried that will be a problem for my parents (my mother especially) if they see me reading up on stuff.
Currently I'm researching Wicca. Before this I was learning about the Krishna Consciousness by reading their book the Bhagavad Gita, but it seemed to heavy to me. Plus it was a little to warlike and pro-fighting for me and there was a bit about how women, children and animals are very similar... And because I'm dating a Jew I've been absorbing Jewish ideas and learning about that. I went on a biking trip where everyone was Muslim except for me so I got to observe some of their ideas and I found some brochures to read up on it. But none of them seemed to work for me. So now I'm on to Wicca.
And I really like it. I really do- I won't go into specifics until I try some of the exercises in "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham. But I want to READ IT! Unfortunately I don't want to read it around my parents in case I start getting the third degree. Ugh...
<.< >.>
I have a plan. I'm going to wake up early tomorrow and read outside. Then I'll just be at the breakfast when it opens so I can have some alone time. (Which believe me is precious when I'm with my brother in the back of the car.... :P )
Well, I better get to bed if I'm going to do that. So this'll be it for this post.
See ya later! This is Pim signing out
Monday, April 11, 2011
Wanna Help?
Hey peeps! One more thing- if you are so inclined could you spare a minute to help out the feral cats on my campus?
If you go to the Animal Rescue Site you can give free food to animals with just a click! But the real reason I'm sending to you to the site is because after you click the big purple 'Click Here to Give' button you get a chance to vote for animal shelters- it's the pastel colored 'Vote Now!' button at the top. I am involved with the SBU Cat Network on my campus, which helps humanely trap the cats on campus. Why are there cats on campus? Well people around here seem to think it's okay to dump their unwanted cats on campus to fend for themselves. So we students trap the cats and take them to the vet to get spayed and neutered. Then if the cats are adoptable they are found loving homes- where they can live wonderful full lives. But some of the cats are truly feral and just cannot live in a house. In this case we take the cats back to their colonies on campus and we provide food and shelter all throughout the year. Including warm winter shelters to protect them during the cold months.
Anyway after you click the purple feed button could you take the time to vote for the SBU Cat Network? We're based in Stony Brook New York and if we get enough votes we'll win money that will be used to renovate the winter shelters, pay for vet bills and provide more food.
Please help us out! Our budget got cut this semester so we need as much help as we can get. And you can vote everyday too- so do it! It's for a good cause!
Thank you in advance!
If you go to the Animal Rescue Site you can give free food to animals with just a click! But the real reason I'm sending to you to the site is because after you click the big purple 'Click Here to Give' button you get a chance to vote for animal shelters- it's the pastel colored 'Vote Now!' button at the top. I am involved with the SBU Cat Network on my campus, which helps humanely trap the cats on campus. Why are there cats on campus? Well people around here seem to think it's okay to dump their unwanted cats on campus to fend for themselves. So we students trap the cats and take them to the vet to get spayed and neutered. Then if the cats are adoptable they are found loving homes- where they can live wonderful full lives. But some of the cats are truly feral and just cannot live in a house. In this case we take the cats back to their colonies on campus and we provide food and shelter all throughout the year. Including warm winter shelters to protect them during the cold months.
Anyway after you click the purple feed button could you take the time to vote for the SBU Cat Network? We're based in Stony Brook New York and if we get enough votes we'll win money that will be used to renovate the winter shelters, pay for vet bills and provide more food.
Thank you in advance!
The Best Thing I've Been Involved With In Awhile
I don't know how many people know about this but you must. Watch. The. VIDEO. NOW!
For all of you who don't know, this is 2052 different singers all singing the same song "Sleep." composed and directed by Eric Whitacre. How? Youtube. Really! Eric uploaded the conductor's track with basic piano accompaniment (what plays during the credits). Then all the singers just recorded themselves singing their part. All these videos were then uploaded to youtube. I got to participate in this recording- and you have to know that it is the most incredible thing I've experienced in awhile.
Since leaving for college I haven't been able to be in a good choir like I'm used to- my band is during the same time as the choir on campus and I don't have a way to get off campus. So this basically became my singing outlet. I was able to watch this video be released live last Thursday at 6. I cried. It was so beautiful! Plus Eric Whitacre himself was there talking about the videos and how it was all put together. Apparently syncing 2052 different videos is really HARD! I still don't know how they all did it- especially since everything says the word "Sleep" about 40 times. And all singers can back me up on this- S is a terrible sound to get people to sing together. Ssssssleeep. Ssssleeep.
During Mr. Whitacre's interview after the premiere of the video someone asked him if everyone's face was in the video. The response? "Everyone's face and voice is in the video at some point. That was job number 1." (In fact if you look closely you can see the top of my head at 0:23 on the front sphere on the bottom center!) It's things like this that really bring people together. I keep seeing the twitter feed about everyone banning together to make the video available in Germany and allow everyone to see it. And there are 52 countries represented! How cool is that? Seriously, it's just incredible.
Watch the video, if it doesn't move you, I'm not sure what will.
For all of you who don't know, this is 2052 different singers all singing the same song "Sleep." composed and directed by Eric Whitacre. How? Youtube. Really! Eric uploaded the conductor's track with basic piano accompaniment (what plays during the credits). Then all the singers just recorded themselves singing their part. All these videos were then uploaded to youtube. I got to participate in this recording- and you have to know that it is the most incredible thing I've experienced in awhile.
Since leaving for college I haven't been able to be in a good choir like I'm used to- my band is during the same time as the choir on campus and I don't have a way to get off campus. So this basically became my singing outlet. I was able to watch this video be released live last Thursday at 6. I cried. It was so beautiful! Plus Eric Whitacre himself was there talking about the videos and how it was all put together. Apparently syncing 2052 different videos is really HARD! I still don't know how they all did it- especially since everything says the word "Sleep" about 40 times. And all singers can back me up on this- S is a terrible sound to get people to sing together. Ssssssleeep. Ssssleeep.
During Mr. Whitacre's interview after the premiere of the video someone asked him if everyone's face was in the video. The response? "Everyone's face and voice is in the video at some point. That was job number 1." (In fact if you look closely you can see the top of my head at 0:23 on the front sphere on the bottom center!) It's things like this that really bring people together. I keep seeing the twitter feed about everyone banning together to make the video available in Germany and allow everyone to see it. And there are 52 countries represented! How cool is that? Seriously, it's just incredible.
Watch the video, if it doesn't move you, I'm not sure what will.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Hard Head
It's spring! Well almost... and the real way to tell that is to watch the roads and sidewalks. When the scooters, skateboards, bikes and motorcycles start coming out it means snow is going byeby. I finally dug my bike out from under my bed and put it together. After wrestling with it for a half hour or so I got the wheel back on and pumped back up. It's a Giant Sedna with black and teal colors. (If you don't know that's actually a pretty good bike) I got it because I begged my father to buy me a bike for campus. My campus is HUGE! If I didn't have a bike I'd be late to every single class. But with my bike- I'm on time. :)
And the bike club is starting back up- I had to miss the Girls Only ride that was yesterday because I was at the game... WHICH WE LOST! :( Awww.... and in the last 2 seconds too. The ref gave us a bad call and gave the other team 2 free-throws so there was no way to win unless we made that last half-court shot that tends to end every game. But we were killing BU!! Seriously, we were ahead the entire time and our band and fans were the most fun to watch. Or at least that's what I heard from people who had family watching the game. Which after such a long day- wake up at 3, walk across campus 4:00, get on bus 4:30, leave 5:00, arrive 10:00, game, leave 3:00, home 9:30- was quite encouraging. Especially since BU had a band there too- ours was better. The band won. So there.
But back to the bikes! No one wears helmets! And no one gets out of the way! It's sooo frustrating trying to ride to class on the bike paths and having to go slow because people refuse to move over. It's not like they have to stay like that forever... and my bike can't go through the fence to go around. About the helmets- is it really that hard to wear one? My brother had a terrible crash on his bike, and it wasn't because someone ran into him or because he ran into somebody- we don't know what it was (we think the sidewalk crack might have caught the wheel wrong) but that helmet was the only reason he had a concussion and not a coffin. I wear one because it's a better idea to- and I wish everyone else would do the same. It's sad that the bike club has to ask if people have helmets to bring on the rides off campus because most people don't have one. >.< you see this is why people get hurt! It's hard enough to weave in and out of people moving in different directions and speeds without having to worry that if you do wipeout you'll kill your head. Just wear a helmet- it's not that bad. Or if you're not going to do that- please stop giving me dirty looks for wearing one. I'd rather be that dork with the helmet than a cool dead person.
Wish me luck for Tuesday and Friday this week! I'm leading a rehearsal for the ensemble on Tuesday, first time ever that the rehearsal is all mine.... nervous!! And Friday I'm at the museum for the day then I have to head back in time to attend the Belly Dance Performance at 8. So I gotta get to the subway, to the train station and back to the Union in time! I hope the city doesn't ruin my chance to get there.
That's it for now. Until later peeps! Wear your helmets!
And the bike club is starting back up- I had to miss the Girls Only ride that was yesterday because I was at the game... WHICH WE LOST! :( Awww.... and in the last 2 seconds too. The ref gave us a bad call and gave the other team 2 free-throws so there was no way to win unless we made that last half-court shot that tends to end every game. But we were killing BU!! Seriously, we were ahead the entire time and our band and fans were the most fun to watch. Or at least that's what I heard from people who had family watching the game. Which after such a long day- wake up at 3, walk across campus 4:00, get on bus 4:30, leave 5:00, arrive 10:00, game, leave 3:00, home 9:30- was quite encouraging. Especially since BU had a band there too- ours was better. The band won. So there.
But back to the bikes! No one wears helmets! And no one gets out of the way! It's sooo frustrating trying to ride to class on the bike paths and having to go slow because people refuse to move over. It's not like they have to stay like that forever... and my bike can't go through the fence to go around. About the helmets- is it really that hard to wear one? My brother had a terrible crash on his bike, and it wasn't because someone ran into him or because he ran into somebody- we don't know what it was (we think the sidewalk crack might have caught the wheel wrong) but that helmet was the only reason he had a concussion and not a coffin. I wear one because it's a better idea to- and I wish everyone else would do the same. It's sad that the bike club has to ask if people have helmets to bring on the rides off campus because most people don't have one. >.< you see this is why people get hurt! It's hard enough to weave in and out of people moving in different directions and speeds without having to worry that if you do wipeout you'll kill your head. Just wear a helmet- it's not that bad. Or if you're not going to do that- please stop giving me dirty looks for wearing one. I'd rather be that dork with the helmet than a cool dead person.
Wish me luck for Tuesday and Friday this week! I'm leading a rehearsal for the ensemble on Tuesday, first time ever that the rehearsal is all mine.... nervous!! And Friday I'm at the museum for the day then I have to head back in time to attend the Belly Dance Performance at 8. So I gotta get to the subway, to the train station and back to the Union in time! I hope the city doesn't ruin my chance to get there.
That's it for now. Until later peeps! Wear your helmets!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Looooong weekends and Sloooow mondays
Oh man this weekend has been soooo long! I don't even know what happened. I think I forgot I had a blog and now it's been forever since I posted. :P Sorry peeps but I've been doing SO MUCH STUFF! First of all, I finally finished the RA process to apply to be a Resident Assistant next semester. I had a resume, cover letter, interview, group process and setting up a new email account just to get through the application process. Talk about intense.... I've never even done an interview before- so I had no idea what to expect.
We ended up talking about the trombone and how I'm an Irish Viking. I'm not sure what that means but they wrote it at the top of the papers. Here's hoping! **crosses fingers*
I also started a pottery class- wheel throwing. You know- making pottery on the wheel thing? I'm terrible but it's so much fun! :D I need to get a shirt that I don't care about so I can wear it in case I get clay on it. Thankfully I haven't ruined anything yet. I've made a little creamer type pot and I'm trying to make a candle holder- just a cylinder with a lid to hold a tea light with stars and designs cut out in it. We learned how to make lids last Saturday but I'm not sure how well mine turned out. I'll give you an update after it dries.
Let's see what else have I been up to? I found this really interesting movie called "Boys don't cry". I haven't made it all the way through yet but its really good so far. It's about a transgender guy(girl) and their life- it's really cool. Or at least it is halfway through.
Oh! Something really awesome is happening at school! There's a student group that is getting the musical "Once Upon a Mattress" put on this semester. We've already learned most of the songs and are getting the choreography down. We're going to sing our opening number in a couple weeks to raise awareness of the show and if I can I'll get the video posted. It's really fun- everyone wants to be there and we sound good! (which anyone who's been in a musical can relate to good singers make it better) I've never been in "Once Upon a Mattress" but we rewrote the script a little bit so we don't have to pay that incredible amount of money for it. I'm going to see if I can get music and do a parody of the musical "Oliver!" I'm so excited about it!
I also had all my midterms last week. >.< Ugh I'm soooo glad they're over! Now I just have to some homework for the week... but it should be pretty easy and relaxing after last week. I'm in the musical and staged readings (it's basically like a normal play run except it's 5 short scenes done in a quicker period). The rehearsals are keeping me really busy. But theatre is my passion- I LOVE IT! The challenge of keeping everything in order just makes it so much more rewarding when you finally perform and its awesome!
Until later peeps- I gotta go to math
We ended up talking about the trombone and how I'm an Irish Viking. I'm not sure what that means but they wrote it at the top of the papers. Here's hoping! **crosses fingers*
I also started a pottery class- wheel throwing. You know- making pottery on the wheel thing? I'm terrible but it's so much fun! :D I need to get a shirt that I don't care about so I can wear it in case I get clay on it. Thankfully I haven't ruined anything yet. I've made a little creamer type pot and I'm trying to make a candle holder- just a cylinder with a lid to hold a tea light with stars and designs cut out in it. We learned how to make lids last Saturday but I'm not sure how well mine turned out. I'll give you an update after it dries.
Let's see what else have I been up to? I found this really interesting movie called "Boys don't cry". I haven't made it all the way through yet but its really good so far. It's about a transgender guy(girl) and their life- it's really cool. Or at least it is halfway through.
Oh! Something really awesome is happening at school! There's a student group that is getting the musical "Once Upon a Mattress" put on this semester. We've already learned most of the songs and are getting the choreography down. We're going to sing our opening number in a couple weeks to raise awareness of the show and if I can I'll get the video posted. It's really fun- everyone wants to be there and we sound good! (which anyone who's been in a musical can relate to good singers make it better) I've never been in "Once Upon a Mattress" but we rewrote the script a little bit so we don't have to pay that incredible amount of money for it. I'm going to see if I can get music and do a parody of the musical "Oliver!" I'm so excited about it!
I also had all my midterms last week. >.< Ugh I'm soooo glad they're over! Now I just have to some homework for the week... but it should be pretty easy and relaxing after last week. I'm in the musical and staged readings (it's basically like a normal play run except it's 5 short scenes done in a quicker period). The rehearsals are keeping me really busy. But theatre is my passion- I LOVE IT! The challenge of keeping everything in order just makes it so much more rewarding when you finally perform and its awesome!
Until later peeps- I gotta go to math
Thursday, February 24, 2011
To the Doctors
Today my friends- I am officially a woman. Why? Because I finally had my first gynecologist exam.

It was my first time so I had to fill out a form about any preexisting health issues I had (basically none) and all that good stuff that I used to have my mother fill out. Now I have to know it... cause I'm a big kid now!
Anywho, then I got called into the office where they took my blood pressure, weight, and checked to make sure their other information was up to date. Then- they gave me a pregnancy test.
Yep. A pregnancy test. Nevermind that I'm on the pill and have been taking it religiously for years I had to go pee in a cup.
I wasn't pregnant.
After that (which made me feel a little awkward... because my months have always been kinda weird since I am on the pill and I switched to the generic version but I digress) I went into the actual room and undressed. There was even that thin papery cover thing they give you so you're not too exposed to the elements. That wasn't that bad. Then the doctor came in. She was really nice and her hands were not cold at all. But I did have to undo my bra and let her feel around my breasts a bit... which was.... weird. That's actually a good explanation for the whole thing. Weird. She declared that I didn't have any weird lumps in the breasts (so no cancer) and then had me lay back and she did the deed.
The feared, the dreaded.... pelvic examination!!
It wasn't that bad. Kinda tickled actually. They do spread you open a little bit but it's nowhere near as far as people make it out to be. She did explain what she was going to do before and then she swabbed around in there and then put everything in test vials so they could be sent away to be checked for STDs. (It's the whole nine-yards with this... pregnancy, STDs, breast cancer...) I won't get my results back for a few days- but I don't have anything that they could detect now! So that's good. And apparently I looked healthy.
No, I don't know what 'healthy' versus 'unhealthy' looks like down there either.
But all in all it took about... 20 minutes? Then I waited for 15 more outside while they did the onsite testing- I'm clean! Very interesting experience. Though I'm glad I don't have to get the "Pap smear". I don't know what it is- but I don't get it until I'm 21. And I don't have to get another one of these for another year. Win! (But honestly, I'm just glad that I wasn't pregnant. I knew I wasn't but still- how embarrassing would that be?)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Alright finally I find a way to WIN! Why? Because I found a great schedule for tonight. Unfortunately, my choir director cancelled classes tonight so my evening is totally free! I'm headed to the gym to workout then a cool down session in the pottery center. I also just found out that my conflict on Saturday has cleared itself up because I don't have to attend until after my class is over.
So needless to say, I'm pretty happy.
However I just saw my other suite mates and I feel pretty bad because I haven't had much communication with them. And it's really my fault. Our rooms are laid out so mine is set a little away from theirs but I don't make an effort to talk to them so I guess it's my fault. But what can you do? Hopefully I can get a more outgoing suite next year- or I'll be the RA so I'll automatically get to talk with people. Can't wait!
But to be honest, the RA thing scares me a bit. I'm pretty outgoing, and I'm okay with the hours that I'll have to work but I worry that people won't respect me. That's what happened during marching band when I became section leader.... no one listened to me... :( But as an RA it should be different. I get to be able to open the MASTER KEY which is awesome.
But I'll get back to this later. I want to workout, pottery, and do my math homework tonight.
On another note: have you all heard of the stuff that happened in Egypt? It's starting in Libya now too! I'll bet that soon the entire Middle East will start having these uproars to get normal human rights. Well I hope so, especially Tunisia. They don't even have normal internet privilages. My friend and I had to do a report on Tunisia for our high school government class and we couldn't find any information on anything other than good tourist areas. It's like the rest of the country doesn't even exist. And there wasn't anything on the government besides that the country was founded in such and such a year the government is still active and amazing. (According to what we found anyway...) I don't know much about the revolution things happening in Libya but I did see a newscast today about it with the title: "Rising Protests in Libya = Oil Prices $$" Is that really what America cares about? That the uprisings will result in higher gas prices? Forget the fact that people will probably get shot, arrested, and die the gas prices will go up again D:! o.O really?
Oh well, wish me luck on the workout routine! The hardest part will be walking there through the cold and snow that randomly appeared during the night... ugh.
So needless to say, I'm pretty happy.
However I just saw my other suite mates and I feel pretty bad because I haven't had much communication with them. And it's really my fault. Our rooms are laid out so mine is set a little away from theirs but I don't make an effort to talk to them so I guess it's my fault. But what can you do? Hopefully I can get a more outgoing suite next year- or I'll be the RA so I'll automatically get to talk with people. Can't wait!
But to be honest, the RA thing scares me a bit. I'm pretty outgoing, and I'm okay with the hours that I'll have to work but I worry that people won't respect me. That's what happened during marching band when I became section leader.... no one listened to me... :( But as an RA it should be different. I get to be able to open the MASTER KEY which is awesome.
But I'll get back to this later. I want to workout, pottery, and do my math homework tonight.
On another note: have you all heard of the stuff that happened in Egypt? It's starting in Libya now too! I'll bet that soon the entire Middle East will start having these uproars to get normal human rights. Well I hope so, especially Tunisia. They don't even have normal internet privilages. My friend and I had to do a report on Tunisia for our high school government class and we couldn't find any information on anything other than good tourist areas. It's like the rest of the country doesn't even exist. And there wasn't anything on the government besides that the country was founded in such and such a year the government is still active and amazing. (According to what we found anyway...) I don't know much about the revolution things happening in Libya but I did see a newscast today about it with the title: "Rising Protests in Libya = Oil Prices $$" Is that really what America cares about? That the uprisings will result in higher gas prices? Forget the fact that people will probably get shot, arrested, and die the gas prices will go up again D:! o.O really?
Oh well, wish me luck on the workout routine! The hardest part will be walking there through the cold and snow that randomly appeared during the night... ugh.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Hello again!
Second post, and today was pretty successful... in weird ways. First of all I finally cleaned my dorm room. Which is a really good thing because otherwise I have no room. I also got to Walmart (at last) and got the peanut butter, nutella, and cereal I need to supplement my food.
You see, my university meal plan works on a point system- which is basically a real world dollar system. You can buy food (pre-processed) with each item costing some amount. They sell cereal in the individual boxes for about 3 dollars and you still have to buy the milk. So I go to walmart to get cheap generic cereal and milk. It's kinda annoying because my brother (who goes to a different college) has a meal plan where he has 3 meals a day. Each cafeteria has a swiping area and every time you enter it's one meal. The worst part? My brother's ends up being cheaper overall even though I'm on the cheapest plan. But I guess it's just something I have to get used to. I know in the "real world" you have to pay for everything you eat- but you can also have a fridge where you can store more than one meal at a time. Not to mention you can actually have fresh fruit and vegetables. There aren't any on campus except the occasional $1 banana. I'm not even sure if the meal plan situation is the same in other colleges or not. It's very hard for me because I'm out-of-state and I don't have a car to get off campus.
But thankfully the campus is pretty big so I can get some exercise by walking. I need to start running, but I just hate it so much... I didn't even really work out today. I did a couple crunches and the shakeweight (yes that actually works. Don't believe it? Grab one and do the included workout. Or just shake it for 6 minutes straight.) but I had a big brunch today and I think I didn't burn enough.
Oh well, at least I got the video done and I'm getting a good start on my homework. Plus Monday means only 2 classes. So I get to relax a bit, maybe straighten my desk... and look for "Shadows of Destiny" on PSP. I saw it at gamestop and really want to get it. Hopefully I can find it for cheaper online.
Well, that's about all I got. Hopefully I can actually rant about something later- that is what these blogs are usually for right? :P
Second post, and today was pretty successful... in weird ways. First of all I finally cleaned my dorm room. Which is a really good thing because otherwise I have no room. I also got to Walmart (at last) and got the peanut butter, nutella, and cereal I need to supplement my food.
You see, my university meal plan works on a point system- which is basically a real world dollar system. You can buy food (pre-processed) with each item costing some amount. They sell cereal in the individual boxes for about 3 dollars and you still have to buy the milk. So I go to walmart to get cheap generic cereal and milk. It's kinda annoying because my brother (who goes to a different college) has a meal plan where he has 3 meals a day. Each cafeteria has a swiping area and every time you enter it's one meal. The worst part? My brother's ends up being cheaper overall even though I'm on the cheapest plan. But I guess it's just something I have to get used to. I know in the "real world" you have to pay for everything you eat- but you can also have a fridge where you can store more than one meal at a time. Not to mention you can actually have fresh fruit and vegetables. There aren't any on campus except the occasional $1 banana. I'm not even sure if the meal plan situation is the same in other colleges or not. It's very hard for me because I'm out-of-state and I don't have a car to get off campus.
But thankfully the campus is pretty big so I can get some exercise by walking. I need to start running, but I just hate it so much... I didn't even really work out today. I did a couple crunches and the shakeweight (yes that actually works. Don't believe it? Grab one and do the included workout. Or just shake it for 6 minutes straight.) but I had a big brunch today and I think I didn't burn enough.
Oh well, at least I got the video done and I'm getting a good start on my homework. Plus Monday means only 2 classes. So I get to relax a bit, maybe straighten my desk... and look for "Shadows of Destiny" on PSP. I saw it at gamestop and really want to get it. Hopefully I can find it for cheaper online.
Well, that's about all I got. Hopefully I can actually rant about something later- that is what these blogs are usually for right? :P
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Hey peeps!
Just thought I'd start up this blog to keep me honest. I figure that if I actually share my ideas and opinions with people I might have more of a reason to understand what I'm talking about. Plus this way my ideas can get out there so more informed people can correct me and less informed people can learn something.
I'm also starting to redo my life right now- so I'm hoping that I can post about what's happening in my life as well as my resolutions. Because, if I have people who are following me I will actually have to DO something so I don't let them down.
Enough introduction! Time to actually do!
New Year's Resolutions. Yep it's February... but I haven't had a blog before now so it's a good time to start. My resolution is the typical female one: to lose weight. But I refuse to simply leave it as simple as that. (Did I use a 'simple' derivative twice?? Yep :P ) So I have set real goals. And they are:
Just thought I'd start up this blog to keep me honest. I figure that if I actually share my ideas and opinions with people I might have more of a reason to understand what I'm talking about. Plus this way my ideas can get out there so more informed people can correct me and less informed people can learn something.
I'm also starting to redo my life right now- so I'm hoping that I can post about what's happening in my life as well as my resolutions. Because, if I have people who are following me I will actually have to DO something so I don't let them down.
Enough introduction! Time to actually do!
New Year's Resolutions. Yep it's February... but I haven't had a blog before now so it's a good time to start. My resolution is the typical female one: to lose weight. But I refuse to simply leave it as simple as that. (Did I use a 'simple' derivative twice?? Yep :P ) So I have set real goals. And they are:
- Fit into a bikini by July
- Weigh somewhere around 150 (this means lose around 50 pounds)
- Become a size 8 in pants
- Start an exercise routine and make it routine
- Start a blog and post in it
- Write in my diary at least once a week (preferably every day but stuff happens)
So I'm going to start with a recording of my workout routines and weight gain/loss. But since I'm in college and I don't have a scale that might be hard... so I'll probably just go with 'I feel like I ate too much' or 'My jeans feel looser today!' If any of you who read this want to follow my plans go right ahead! Just remember that pain is a bad thing. And if something starts hurting for more than a day go see someone- I don't want anyone to get hurt.
Tomorrow I plan on working out a bit at the college gym. (It's free = WIN) If it's closed then I'll try to go for a run... except I hate running. With a passion. So I really REALLY don't want to... But hey you do what you have to do.
Wish me luck guys! And thanks for stopping by- it's nice to know that you're mildly interesting. ;)
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