Just thought I'd start up this blog to keep me honest. I figure that if I actually share my ideas and opinions with people I might have more of a reason to understand what I'm talking about. Plus this way my ideas can get out there so more informed people can correct me and less informed people can learn something.
I'm also starting to redo my life right now- so I'm hoping that I can post about what's happening in my life as well as my resolutions. Because, if I have people who are following me I will actually have to DO something so I don't let them down.
Enough introduction! Time to actually do!
New Year's Resolutions. Yep it's February... but I haven't had a blog before now so it's a good time to start. My resolution is the typical female one: to lose weight. But I refuse to simply leave it as simple as that. (Did I use a 'simple' derivative twice?? Yep :P ) So I have set real goals. And they are:
- Fit into a bikini by July
- Weigh somewhere around 150 (this means lose around 50 pounds)
- Become a size 8 in pants
- Start an exercise routine and make it routine
- Start a blog and post in it
- Write in my diary at least once a week (preferably every day but stuff happens)
So I'm going to start with a recording of my workout routines and weight gain/loss. But since I'm in college and I don't have a scale that might be hard... so I'll probably just go with 'I feel like I ate too much' or 'My jeans feel looser today!' If any of you who read this want to follow my plans go right ahead! Just remember that pain is a bad thing. And if something starts hurting for more than a day go see someone- I don't want anyone to get hurt.
Tomorrow I plan on working out a bit at the college gym. (It's free = WIN) If it's closed then I'll try to go for a run... except I hate running. With a passion. So I really REALLY don't want to... But hey you do what you have to do.
Wish me luck guys! And thanks for stopping by- it's nice to know that you're mildly interesting. ;)
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