Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolution

It's that time of year again, where everyone decides what they'll change about themselves over the next 365 days.  In previous years, I've never been too realistic with my goals and I've never really tried to reach them.. but this year is going to be different.  I have a system.

Firstly, I have an overarching theme for my year.  This way I have something I can remember to do every day even when I'm currently not working on specifics.

Then I have a few supplements that will help me become a better person and keep me on track.

This year, 2012, my theme is the song "Domino" by Jessie J.  It's happy, upbeat, and gives me a sense of knowing when to ask for help and telling people what you want.  I've always thought I keep things to myself until they boil over, so I want to be happier and talk to people more.

My supplements include the classic "lose weight".  My goal weight is 115, so I have quite the way to go.  But I have rewards for myself if I reach my goal (namely an extra ear piercing when I reach 140 and a belly button ring if I reach my goal).  I'm trying to gain that body where you can where a bikini without looking weird or concentrate on it.  Not to mention it would be nice to hear the models that are my size aren't labeled "plus-sized".

Honestly, that's the worst part of being big- yes there are models of our size but they are automatically in a different category.  I don't have "models" I have "plus-sized" models.  There apparently has to be that qualification (XL).  But I digress,

I also want to blog here more often, I'll probably use this as a update on my weight loss and how that's going.  Inspiration and pictures and whatnot.  Besides blogging here, I'll be vlogging on YouTube under IANOYTYK.  I'm going to do it every day. 365.  Yea baby.

On a more personal note, I also want to write in my diary every night.  I stopped doing that and I shouldn't have, it's a wonderful stress reliever.

Now let's see how long I can keep these going!

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