Monday, April 11, 2011

Wanna Help?

Hey peeps!  One more thing- if you are so inclined could you spare a minute to help out the feral cats on my campus?

If you go to the Animal Rescue Site you can give free food to animals with just a click!  But the real reason I'm sending to you to the site is because after you click the big purple 'Click Here to Give' button you get a chance to vote for animal shelters- it's the pastel colored 'Vote Now!' button at the top.  I am involved with the SBU Cat Network on my campus, which helps humanely trap the cats on campus.  Why are there cats on campus?  Well people around here seem to think it's okay to dump their unwanted cats on campus to fend for themselves.  So we students trap the cats and take them to the vet to get spayed and neutered.  Then if the cats are adoptable they are found loving homes- where they can live wonderful full lives.  But some of the cats are truly feral and just cannot live in a house.  In this case we take the cats back to their colonies on campus and we provide food and shelter all throughout the year.  Including warm winter shelters to protect them during the cold months.

Anyway after you click the purple feed button could you take the time to vote for the SBU Cat Network?  We're based in Stony Brook New York and if we get enough votes we'll win money that will be used to renovate the winter shelters, pay for vet bills and provide more food.

Please help us out!  Our budget got cut this semester so we need as much help as we can get.  And you can vote everyday too- so do it!  It's for a good cause!

Thank you in advance!

The Best Thing I've Been Involved With In Awhile

I don't know how many people know about this but you must. Watch. The. VIDEO. NOW!

For all of you who don't know, this is 2052 different singers all singing the same song "Sleep." composed and directed by Eric Whitacre.  How?  Youtube.  Really!  Eric uploaded the conductor's track with basic piano accompaniment (what plays during the credits).  Then all the singers just recorded themselves singing their part.  All these videos were then uploaded to youtube.  I got to participate in this recording- and you have to know that it is the most incredible thing I've experienced in awhile.

Since leaving for college I haven't been able to be in a good choir like I'm used to- my band is during the same time as the choir on campus and I don't have a way to get off campus.  So this basically became my singing outlet.  I was able to watch this video be released live last Thursday at 6.  I cried.  It was so beautiful! Plus Eric Whitacre himself was there talking about the videos and how it was all put together.  Apparently syncing 2052 different videos is really HARD!  I still don't know how they all did it- especially since everything says the word "Sleep" about 40 times.  And all singers can back me up on this- S is a terrible sound to get people to sing together. Ssssssleeep.  Ssssleeep.

During Mr. Whitacre's interview after the premiere of the video someone asked him if everyone's face was in the video.  The response?  "Everyone's face and voice is in the video at some point. That was job number 1." (In fact if you look closely you can see the top of my head at 0:23 on the front sphere on the bottom center!)  It's things like this that really bring people together.  I keep seeing the twitter feed about everyone banning together to make the video available in Germany and allow everyone to see it.  And there are 52 countries represented!  How cool is that?  Seriously, it's just incredible.

Watch the video, if it doesn't move you, I'm not sure what will.