Friday, January 27, 2012


Friday is going to be an interesting day.  I have to wake up early to do my PHY class, but then I'm free until 4:30 for band.  I wonder how I could fill the time?  I could:

  • work out
  • eat
  • sleep
  • do homework
  • write
  • read
  • play music
  • hang with friends
  • cry
  • wonder if I need something from my dorm
  • walk
  • do pottery
  • play on Facebook
  • change clothes
  • make coffee
  • make tea
  • complain
  • browse the inter webs
  • sign petitions
  • play a game
  • not play a game
  • imagine things
  • plan my week
  • clean my room
  • take a shower
  • do my hair
  • make my bed
  • watch TV
  • do my nails
  • text friends
  • email people
  • play the wii
  • go to the gym
  • play bagpipes
  • play guitar
  • practice yoga
  • draw
  • paint
  • be funny
But instead I'll probably just be lazy... though I could do all of those... And really should do some of them...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Deliver it!

Hey guys!  I think I was just amazing.  Cause I found a way to link my blogger with my tumblr, Facebook and twitter!

Hee hee I feel so smart! :)

Want to give it a try?  Here's the link!

Today I Feel.....

Fat - cause I'm trying to go on a diet and I'm doing it well (but I still want EVERYTHING NOM)

Lazy - cause I'm not doing anything important and I should be doing homework

Pointless - cause it's one of those days, though vlogging always helps that! I know there's at least 2 people who read and watch my blog and vlog!

Sad - cause I just had very interesting conversations with people who are close to me.

Happy - cause I love my friends! SO MUCH! HUGS FOR EVERYONE!

Awesome - cause I watched the State of the Union address and paid attention for the first time ever.  I understood and I want to learn more.  And I've made it on time to every class so far.

Tired - cause I stayed up late to edit my vlog instead of waking up early to do it....

Monday, January 9, 2012

I am no longer a teen.

Today I am finally graduating kid-hood.  I turn 20 today.  Now, I know that I'll still be a 'kid' or a 'young person' to most people- but I'm finally out of the teen years.  I can't say I'm a teenager anymore- I'm in my twenties.

It makes me feel.... I'm not sure.... sad?  I feel like I should have accomplished more by now.  I should have more job experience, I should have dated more, I should have done more!

On the other hand, my life is just starting!  I'm an adult and I'm in college, I'm starting my first real jobs, I'm in my first relationship life is great!  This year is going to be my year.  My weight loss is going well and my other resolutions are going great.

But now I'm twenty, which means I have to grow up a bit more.  Or at least I should.....

hmmmmmmm, well I'll have to think about that ;)

- Pim

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I just don't feel like it....

Today I went on a great walk with my dad- the sun was just going down and we went around all 3 lakes by our house.  We didn't run but we kept up the pace and everything was awesome.  Then we got home and suddenly we were in a great big huge debate thing about religion.

Then somehow it ended up with my brother involved and we were talking about mutilation of baby genitals.  (aka religious circumcision)  EWWW

Now I'm angry and depressed and I don't want to do anything other than sit in my dark basement drinking hot water and talk with my boyfriend.  Except he's far away right now in another timezone- and I don't want to bother my friends with this.  I'm just so frustrated now.

Here's what I think: if my religion doesn't hurt me, or anyone else (inhuman treatment of animals included) and it doesn't try to stop science from making the world a better place then why do you have to put it down?  If your religion does the same thing then why should I put yours down?

I don't agree with people who say science can't do this or shouldn't be taught in school because of religion. And I don't agree with the religious fanatics who want to (or do) kill people over religion.  But that doesn't make everyone who is religious a bad person.  There are fanatics in every walk of life- and they are not a good thing.  But that doesn't mean everyone who does something is a crazed fanatic.

And please, stop asking me about circumcision.

The worst part about all of this?  Now I'm really depressed and I don't want to do my workout.... >x'(

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Getting there...

Alright!  I need to lose 68lbs in around 7 months.  So by my calculations I need to be losing 2 1/2 pounds a week.  If I round that up to 3 I'll be home free!

Starter workout: 10 puhsups, 20 situps, 30 crunches, and 40 jumpingjacks. twice a day.
Light breakfast, and regular-sized meal. I can drink tea and milk as much as I want.  But no pop at all.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolution

It's that time of year again, where everyone decides what they'll change about themselves over the next 365 days.  In previous years, I've never been too realistic with my goals and I've never really tried to reach them.. but this year is going to be different.  I have a system.

Firstly, I have an overarching theme for my year.  This way I have something I can remember to do every day even when I'm currently not working on specifics.

Then I have a few supplements that will help me become a better person and keep me on track.

This year, 2012, my theme is the song "Domino" by Jessie J.  It's happy, upbeat, and gives me a sense of knowing when to ask for help and telling people what you want.  I've always thought I keep things to myself until they boil over, so I want to be happier and talk to people more.

My supplements include the classic "lose weight".  My goal weight is 115, so I have quite the way to go.  But I have rewards for myself if I reach my goal (namely an extra ear piercing when I reach 140 and a belly button ring if I reach my goal).  I'm trying to gain that body where you can where a bikini without looking weird or concentrate on it.  Not to mention it would be nice to hear the models that are my size aren't labeled "plus-sized".

Honestly, that's the worst part of being big- yes there are models of our size but they are automatically in a different category.  I don't have "models" I have "plus-sized" models.  There apparently has to be that qualification (XL).  But I digress,

I also want to blog here more often, I'll probably use this as a update on my weight loss and how that's going.  Inspiration and pictures and whatnot.  Besides blogging here, I'll be vlogging on YouTube under IANOYTYK.  I'm going to do it every day. 365.  Yea baby.

On a more personal note, I also want to write in my diary every night.  I stopped doing that and I shouldn't have, it's a wonderful stress reliever.

Now let's see how long I can keep these going!