Saturday, November 2, 2019

OMM2019 - Bonus Movie: The Black Cat (1934)


Surprise! There's one more movie for the #OctoverMovieMarathon. Solely because Larry and I really wanted to see this at the Stanford Theater (Palo Alto, CA- check it out!) They had organ music at the start, it's a restored Hollywood "Film Palace" from 1925.

The Black Cat (1934)
Quite good. There's a lot of cinematic moments with good musical scoring. Karloff and Legosi were fantastic, but maybe because they were the only ones with actual characters to work with... one point knocked off for a few odd plot choices and for a lack of character development for almost everyone. Also, not enough Black Cat. Though it does answer the question: "Who would win in a fight? Frankenstein or Dracula?"


Thursday, October 31, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 31: Poltergeist (1982)

 Night 31! #OctoberMovieMarathon with Larry!

Poltergeist (1982)

Spectacular! Scary plot, great effects- very solid buildup and delivery, and good scares combined with a few well placed funny bits (though I'm not sure they were all meant to be funny.) But it did lose a half a point for some weird sound issues (a whole scene in actual whispers?) For sure a great Halloween film, and a great way to end the marathon.

I'll writie up a post with the final results as well as Larry and my's personal top and bottom movie later. Happy Halloween everyone! Thanks for following along!


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 30: Friday the 13th (1980)

 This #OctoberMovieMarathon is almost done. Night 30 baby!

Friday the 13th (1980)

Though it is very 80s and has a few jokes/premises I could do without- this is probably one of the best "classic" horror films I've seen. No wonder people got captivated by it! The suspense is great, the reveals are just enough (without making it unscary) and I love how ambiguous the ending is. I would watch this again to get into the spooky Halloween vibe.
Good to know camp hasn't changed since the 80s xD


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 29: Frankenweenie (2012)

 After the last few flops...can Night 29 be better for the #OctoberMovieMarathon for me and Larry?

Frankenweenie (2012)

Finally a decent movie! Not the best, but a very solid, atmospheric film. The black and white was a cool choice, and the characrer designs were nice too. The facial expressions leave a lot to be desired though- especially when you consider the other stop motion that has come out in the past couple years. However, a solid movie that I could see watching again. #justiceforMrWhiskers


Monday, October 28, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 28: Tusk (2014)

 #OctoberMovieMarathon Night 28. A movie Larry and I had heard about and had high hopes for...

Tusk (2014)

Wtf. The first part of the movie was not bad... maybe. But then, it's just awful. It's not scary. It's not funny. It's not sincere, it's not anything. There is nothing redeeming here. Don't watch it. It's not even funny enough to rip on. It's just agonizingly awful. Scenes that drag, characters you don't care about... why does this exist.


Sunday, October 27, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 27: Hellraiser (1987)

 #OctoberMovieMarathon Night 27. Larry and I watched:

Hellraiser (1987)

This movie could have been a 4 if it wasn't me watching it. Most of the effects are incredible, a few didn't age well. It was a very scary movie and RI was uncomfortable the whole time. But it's not a 4 because I see no reason to watch it again. I don't think I'd get a deeper read on the characters, or see moee easter eggs/foreshadowing.... now that the shock value is over, there's nothing to draw me back. Worth a watch if you haven't seen it- it's a lot better than the other 80s horror movies. But skip the popcorn.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 26: Pride and Predjudice and Zombies (2016)

 Night 26. Larry and me. #OctoberMovieMarathon

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)

One third pride. One third Prejudice. One third zombies. All boring as hell.
Holy moly this movie was awful. It was just awful. If you know nothing about the original book don't bother. Not even zombies can make Autsen interesting.
If you loved Pride and Prejudice... actually I don't think that would help. Just take your favorite line/scene from the book and add the words zombie, brains and/or a badly choreographed fight scene. That's it. And you probably imagined it better.


Friday, October 25, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 25: Ginger Snaps (2000)


Night 25! I'm so close to the finish line of my #OctoberMovieMarathon
Ginger Snaps (2000)
I have never enjoyed a werewolf movie before- this movie was great! Tbh I almost want to rate this 4.5 because I'm not 100% on the ending- but it was a GOOD ending. I can't fault the movie for anything. Fantastic practical effects, great acting, plot is tight and the pace is good. Another hit!


Thursday, October 24, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 24: The Boy (2016)

 It's the #OctoberMovieMarathon Night 24! Featuring me, on my own cause I was late getting back from chorus because there was cake...

The Boy (2016)

This was a good movie, watch it. The atmosphere was amazing and the story line, though a little slow, was executed well. A good spooky movie! I'm not sure about rewatchability though. So maybe not a classic, but for sure freaky. I think this is a much better "scary doll movie" than Child's Play.


OMM2019 - Night 10: Dracula (1931)


 Night 10 for the #OctoberMovieMarathon Larry how did we forget?
Dracula (1931)
It definitely gets points for the impact it made in film. The lighting is still fantastic and there are many great shots. But it does show it's age... how could it not? But for sure worth a watch for Bela Legosi alone.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 23: The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Night 23 of my and Larry's #OctoberMovieMarathon

The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
The less you know about this movie before you see it the better. That's all I'm gonna say. #scoobydoowhereareyou


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 22: Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)


#OctoberMovieMarathon Night 22 with me and Larry
Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)
Great movie. A campy, gorey zombie movie. It would have been 5 stars, except for 2 tasteless sex jokes that really should have been shortened/cut completely.
Everything else was fun. A good recommendation for a Halloween flick- just choose your viewing company wisely. (There are 2 sets of boobies and 1 penis)

Monday, October 21, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 20 + 21: IT (1990) the 2 part mini series

 Night 20 and Night 21 for #OctoberMovieMarathon was a 2 for 1!

IT (1990) (the 2 part mini series)

It felt really slow, perhaps because of the made-for-tv aspect. This was most apparent at the end. It had some good scares, and had a decent atmosphere. But to be honest, I don't get the whole IT thing... it doesn't vibe with me. Larry enjoyed this one more overall.

Tim Curry is great. Just watch a supercut with all his scenes.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 19: TAG (2015)

 #OctoberMovieMarathon Night 19

TAG (2015)

This movie freaked me out. It wasn't spooky. Wasn't really scary... but it was unsettling. Not an October/Halloween flick. Larry thought it was a 5/5. I took off one point because I never want to watch or think about it again. (Though my nightmares may say otherwise)


Friday, October 18, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 18: Lizzie Borden Took an Ax (2014)

 Night 18 of the #OctoberMovieMarathon with Larry. We're making it all the way this year!

Lizzie Borden Took a Ax (2014)

This was a made for TV movie and it shows. I'll say the opening was fun. Probably the first act was at least holding our attention. But then... bland city. Which is too bad because I love Christina Ricci! I think they were trying to stay too grounded, too realistic, and it prevented them from going after a larger plot. Oh well.



Thursday, October 17, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 17: The Good Neighbor (2016)


#OctoberMovieMarathon Night 17. Larry and I were joined by his brother Mike.
The Good Neighbor (2016)
Wow! Just... wow. This was amazing- and not what we were expecting at all. It's more of a thriller than your typical horror flick- a good choice for Halloween.
I want to say all sorts of things about the movie, but I don't want to spoil it. All I'll say is that it is definitely worth a watch, it'll keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time. It's very well done.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 16: Winchester (2018)


Night 16 of #OctoberMovieMarathon. This time featuring me, Larry, Matthew, Mary, Alison, Brenda, Elena, and Jim! Thanks for coming everyone!
Winchester (2018)
4/5 (for Winchesterites)
2.5/5 (for the normal viewer)
This one gets two ratings because, well let's be honest, I am a little biased.
The directors and writers did their homework, and though mot 100% accurate, they get the spirit of the house. Sarah's no nonsense attitude, the workers diligence and tight lips, even the ghosts. Plus the overarching theme of letting go of grief ad anger is touching.
But the story is flat and the scares too well telegraphed to have much effect beyond the initial jump. There could have been more to the story to connect it to the house and Sarah. Though the costumes and set are beautiful to look at.
For sure worth a watch if you work at Winchie. If you don't, watch if you want a diet horror movie.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 15: Jennifer's Body (2009)


Larry and me's 15th night of #OctoverMovieMarathon. We've officially made it to the halfway mark!
Jennifer's Body (2009)
Great movie. Well paced, fun concept, doesn't reveal too much too fast. There are nitpicks, but honestly this is just a great scary movie. We were enthralled the whole time. And at the end of the day- if the movie keeps you engaged enough to be off your phone that's all you can really ask for.


Monday, October 14, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 14: Child's Play (1988)

 Wow we're making it a lot farther than last year's #OctoberMovieMarathon. Night 14 brings us:

Child's Play (1988)
I can't decide if the effects are good or bad, for sure good for the time- but let's be honest that's not high praise for the 80s. It wasn't scary for either Larry or me, so it lost some points there. Plus listening to the child actor got grating- though his acting was good during the final act. Still a solid movie, spooky starting in the 2nd act, and worth a watch. But just one.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 13: Warm Bodies (2013)


#OctoberMovieMarathon Night 13

Warm Bodies (2013)
Fantastic movie! Everything from the dialogue to the makeup and set design was amazing. Packed with zombies- good halloween movie that doesn't go too hard on the scares and focuses more on the story and characters. 2/2 Lauras and Larrys would watch again.


Saturday, October 12, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 12: The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)

Night 12 of #OctoberMovieMarathon we didn't forget! Larry and I watched:

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)

Okay, the first half of this movie isn't Halloween related at all. It isn't even spooky. But they came together... the 2nd was a lot more silly than I remember. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was a story that terrified me as a child. I don't know what version my brother told me, but it didn't have anything about Ichabod at all.

Cute animation and the story was decent. The slapstick did give us a few good laughs. A strange choice voice acting wise- but it worked with the storybook framing. Overall it's an okay romp- but not nearly spooky enough to really warrent a high score for this marathon.

Friday, October 11, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 11: 1408 (2007)

 Night 11 of the #OctoberMovieMarathon with Larry!

1408 (2007)

Solidly scary, good acting and visuals and sound design. This might be the scariest movie so far this season. It would have gotten 5/5- but the pacing was a little all over the place. And the ending scene.... why? Less is more!


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 9: The Craft (1990)

 Oh man Night 9 for the #OctoberMovieMarathon

The Craft (1990)
Very close to getting a 5/5. It's well shot, well acted, and has decent pacing. If the ending didn't feel off I'd say this was a perfect Halloween movie. The tone didn't mesh well for Larry. (It was a bit on the campy side.) I really wish there was a happy ending though... maybe things went too far- but it really warmed my heart to see these sad girls find each other and bond. :(

(Also, thank you movie for choosing to not have a rape scene with teenagers. I really appreciate it)


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 8: An American Werewolf in London (1981)

 Night 8 of Larry and I's #OctoberMovieMarathon

American Werewolf in London (1981)

...I don't know what to say. We weren't scared, tense, or spooked. It wasn't really funny or dramatic... I want to rate it higher because I know the effects are still lauded in movie-land today... but I just can't. I think what did it in for me was the lack of tone. I couldn't tell if jokes weren't landing or if the pacing was off or if the tension wasn't coming through.

We actually paused the movie twice to do other things and even missed the ending scene while we watched a werewolf transformation from a different movie. (We didn't feel the need to rewatch the ending scene though)

However, 1 point for the 4 (unintentional?) penis shots in the movie. #DontWatchWithYourParents


Monday, October 7, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 7: Scary Godmother: Halloween Spectacular (2003)

 Night 7 of #OctoberMovieMarathon
I didn't post this last night... but neither did Larry! So here goes

The Scary Godmother: Halloween Spectacular (2003)
4/5 spoopy fun!

Once you get over the initial animation (which is pretty rough, but at least ends up feeling like a stylistic choice) the movie is pretty good. Nothing to write home about... but I can completely understand why this movie would become a Halloween tradition. It's lighthearted spooky fun and for sure gets you into the Halloween spirit.


Sunday, October 6, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 6: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966)


#OctoberMovieMarathon Day 6
It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! (1966) 2/5
It's not that great... :(
Larry and I both remembered this movie having a different ending... is there another one where the pumpkin does show up?
It gets points for showing us how far animation has come and nostaglia goggles. But honestly, there's not much to say. The Snoopy arc was out of place, the voicr acting is tolerable at best, and man, Lucy is just straight up mean!
Also what kind of adults are giving one kid in the group rocks instead of candy? No wonder parents are always asking to check the candy for razor blades...


Saturday, October 5, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 5: Dagon La Secta Del Mar (2001)

 #OctoberMovieMarathon Night 5! Apparently we just went from 0 - 100... cause tonight was

Dagon La Secta del Mar (2001) 4/5
This would have been a 5/5 except for the fact that I couldn't watch one particularly gorey scene towards the end. The plot was solid, the pacing was good, and had a good visual plan. Except for the bad CGI effects... but honestly, I only really *noticed* these at the beginning. By the end, though obvious, I was too into the story ti be drawn out too badly.
I feel like this year Larry and I are really hammering down what levels of scare, spook, gore, etc we can enjoy or tolerate
Good movie. Very scary. And they even handeled the monster well.


Friday, October 4, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 4: Misery (1990)


Night 4 of #OctoberMovieMarathon

Misery (1990) 4/5
Those last movies weren't scary enough? How about a classic from a true king of horror?
Very scary, but in the tension sense. Wonderfully acted, tight plot. Though I did duck out for a few scenes because... it went more into uncomfortable territory than "spooky".
4/5 because neither Larry or I feel like we would watch it again. A good movie, but rewatchability is low.


Thursday, October 3, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 3: Arachnophobia (1990)

 #OctoberMovieMarathon Night 3:

Arachnophobia (1990)

Laura's Review:

Larry and I disagree on this one... he says 3/5. I say 4/5.

It's campy, it's funny, some effects aren't great, but there are a few really cool shots. I quite enjoyed how a lot of tropes I imagine for a creature feature were skipped. There wasn't 1 giant/mutated/evil creature to contend with. No nonsense government thing making the situation worse. No bad guy. Just spiders. The beginning pacing was slow though, and John Goodman is funny- but why is he here again? All in all, I would 100% watch this again. Very fun for me.


Larry's Review:

Since Laura didn't write anything, I figured I would let y'all know that we had Night 3 of our #OctoberMovieMarathon
Arachnophobia (1990) - 3/5 (Laura gives it 4/5)
This is pretty campy for a horror movie. Spiders everywhere, lame effects, great cinematic shots, and a silly but poorly paced plot. Oh yeah, and John Goodman shows up a little bit there, but that's really not important to the story. We're gonna have to watch some legitimate horror movie, because all these goofy spooky movies are going to spoil us.


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 2: Beetlejuice (1988)

 Night 2 of the #OctoberMovieMarathon: (#Ineedahashtagforthis)

Beetlejuice (1988) - 3/5

The world building was really fun, the art is pretty good (reminds us of Hylix), in fact the movie was excellent until Beetlejuice showed up.

Larry saw this as a kid, I never saw it until this year and some stuff definately belongs to the 80's... It's really too bad the characters and the "ghost story from the ghosts' POV" plot weren't well executed. I think there was too many dressing ideas and not enough plot/character ideas- which prevents it from being good. However, I can totally see how a fandom could GO OFF with this property. 



Tuesday, October 1, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 1: What We Do in the Shadows (2014)


1st movie: What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
5/5 great movie! Funny, lighthearted- fantastic way to get into the Spooky Halloween season. Scary movies are fun but sometimes it's nice to just have a good romp without it delving into really dark material. No nightmares here- just quotes for dayz!


October Movie Marathon 2019!


It's October! And you know what that means... Horror/Spooky movie marathon! Larry and I tried this last year, but we didn't make it the whole month. Will this year be any different? Tune in every night this month to see!
Here's our list:
1. What We Do in the Shadows (2014)