Saturday, October 5, 2019

OMM2019 - Night 5: Dagon La Secta Del Mar (2001)

 #OctoberMovieMarathon Night 5! Apparently we just went from 0 - 100... cause tonight was

Dagon La Secta del Mar (2001) 4/5
This would have been a 5/5 except for the fact that I couldn't watch one particularly gorey scene towards the end. The plot was solid, the pacing was good, and had a good visual plan. Except for the bad CGI effects... but honestly, I only really *noticed* these at the beginning. By the end, though obvious, I was too into the story ti be drawn out too badly.
I feel like this year Larry and I are really hammering down what levels of scare, spook, gore, etc we can enjoy or tolerate
Good movie. Very scary. And they even handeled the monster well.


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