Friday, October 4, 2024

OMM2024 - Night 4: The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)

Every day is a new movie, and I've reached Night 4 of the October Movie Marathon!

The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)


Two people are found dead in their home along with the body of an unidentified woman. Her body is taken to the local father and son funeral home to be examined to discover what happened to this Jane Doe.

Very spooky! I love the build up and the subtle storytelling, there's a lot of show don't tell that I appreciate. And I think if I watched it again I'd pick up on a few more things. And boy that ending... I'm still thinking about it.



I really really loved this movie! I love the premise of a strange corpse and trying to piece together what happened through clues from the body. And there's this eerie atmosphere throughout. I think my favorite part is everything that's left unsaid between our father-son duo. It felt like a very realistic portrayal of two men navigating difficult feelings about taking over the family business. I think that watching this you could focus on the father-son dynamic, the corpse's story, or the overall mystery. But honestly, tying those together is what really makes the story stand out to me.

I think the only reason this isn't getting a perfect score is because I wish the female characters had been more than just fridge material. Aside from our Jane Doe (who is more of an object, let's be honest, she literally doesn't move or speak through the whole thing) the only other women in the story are dead or end up dead and it feels like they're only there to service the main character's growth. It is a slight nitpick, because I think the story focusing on the men was intentional. The culture of masculinity and what is/isn't acceptable to display is very much a theme in this movie. So it makes sense there wouldn't be places for women to exist in the story. It's just a shame that the women we do get are fridged. A simple solution to this is to simply make more of the cops women. But then again, a very very small nitpick. Especially since our Jane Doe, even though she very much acts as an object, still feels like she has such an impact on the story.

I highly recommend this one. The tone is creepy, it draws you in and keeps you there the whole time. And though a bit gross (this is an autopsy after all) it's done very well. Very spooky, would watch again!

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