Wednesday, October 9, 2024

OMM2024 - Night 9: Hard Candy (2005)

 And we are now caught up with the #OctoberMovieMarathon. I might have to pull double duty for the end of the month, but I can schedule posts to go day by day. But that's a problem for later- onto the film!

Hard Candy (2005)
A 14 year old girl decides to meet up with the adult man she's been talking to online. Things do not go the way he expected them to.

More of a thriller/action movie than regular horror, maybe a bit of Saw vibes? There's definitely some mystery to be solved and trying to figure out exactly how far things are going to go. 7/10 because it's not really my cup of tea, although it is well done. All the actors were great, the visuals are good, and I'm thankful for how tactful the camera was towards anything that might be too graphic. Very tasteful without feeling like "whoops we can't show this actually".

I'm not sure how much to give away, but if you've got an axe to grind against bad people- you'll enjoy this film.



First off, I was relieved that this movie wasn't NEARLY as graphic as I thought it was going to be with the R rating. I thought for sure it would turn my stomach, but instead we get more psychological thrills than visual. There is some blood and LOTS of gross insinuations about pedophilia though- so watch out if that's a no-go for you.

 This was a fascinating twist on the victim/killer setup. I don't think I've run into another movie where I felt so conflicted on who to root for. Naturally, I'm 100% on the side of our protagonist, Hayley, but also- Jeff are you gonna get out of this one? Is someone going to discover what's going on? Will Hayley get what she wants? What's her endgame? I don't want it to be quick or simple because that would rob me of watching the movie.

And I did enjoy(?) being put in the spot of rooting for our torturer, especially since we're on her side from the start. There's no switch to "oh the torturer is sympathetic after all". Instead we get straight vengeance seeing a bad guy get his comeuppance. The bait and switch on the castration? Masterful. And I guess thinking back, it does track for what an actual (non-sociopathic) teenage might do... however, there is a part of me that thinks Hayley didn't go far enough, although the ending play was great.

In a twisted way, this movie is pure girl power. And if you enjoy that slightly-hopeless feeling that you get from Saw movies, but dislike all the gore- this movie might just scratch that itch.

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