Tuesday, October 8, 2024

OMM2024 - Night 7: Dave Made a Maze (2017)

Triple feature! We're gonna finish 31 movies this year- heck yeah. We've reached Night (and movie) 7 for the #OctoberMovieMarathon

Dave Made A Maze (2017)
Dave makes a cardboard maze that's bigger on the inside.

I watched this one with Larry. It was super fun! It's definitely a comedy-horror movie, and how funny it is will depend on how much the concept/themes make you feel uncomfortable. I thought it was just spooky enough to keep you hooked and tense, but not actually scare you. And, Oh!, the set design is so cool! Everything looked so good and so detailed. I'd watch this again just to pay closer attention to the backgrounds and the subtle changes that happen in them.
Fun characters, fun concept, spooky enough, and the only gore I can get behind! (and I hate gore, how they did it was incredibly creative)



Can I just gush some more about how they handled the gore? Ribbons, confetti, and yarn?? Hilarious! There were so many funny parts in this movie. I loved the paper bag section, I loved how the rooms were so varied, I loved that one scene where everyone came in and reacted to the room... and though the characters were all pretty one-note they filled those roles well.

All in all, a very fun movie- and for sure one I recommend for a scary movie night where you don't want to be completely freaked out.

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