Wednesday, October 9, 2024

OMM2024 - Night 8: Pontypool (2008)

 Night 8! Make it a double feature tonight and we're back on track for #OctoberMovieMarathon

Pontypool (2008
An early morning radio host arrives for the start of the broadcast day. But he and his coworkers start to get reports that something is happening in their small Canadian town- while on the air.
I always want these summaries to be as vague as possible, since I do believe that a big part of movies is getting to watch the way the story unfolds. And this movie is one of those. It's not what happens- it's how we discover what happens. It's also a movie that really knows where it's strengths are: mainly tone and delivery. I really enjoyed the acting here. I was invested the whole time and eager to see what would be revealed next. Though the ending was a little... abrupt? And then... out of place? The first 7/8 of the movie are very fun to watch. Give this one a shot- it's a good time.



The whole thing takes place inside the radio station. Whether this was a specific choice or due to budget- it was such a good decision. The confusion of trying to figure out what is happening when there's no official answer, no other reports- I wonder if this is how actual news people feel when breaking news is developing. There's an extra bit of tension since we never get to see what happens outside. We only hear the eye-witness accounts from the one radio employee who's in the field. I've heard this movie has also been made into a radio-drama, and I can totally see how scary it would be to listen a-la "War of the Worlds".

I think my only complaint is the ending of the movie. I really enjoy how they get stuck in the booth, then leave it and lure the infected away and have a quiet moment in the canteen. It's a nice bit of breathing room and a chance for our leads to show more of their feelings and reactions. The idea of a virus/disease being transmitted though words is such a neat concept. And Canada (since a lot of people speak French) was a great place to set the story. I do wish we had gotten a bit more time with trying to figure out what words to say or how they were going to do it. It almost feels like they had a couple scenes ready but discovered the film was too long and just did the final scene. And then there's a weird post-credits scene that feels completely out of place. I don't know if it's a funny easter egg or tied into the story, in either case I don't get it. Which is why the movie only gets a 7 from me.

It's still such a cool concept and setting. I'd love to see more movies that really tie into disasters/scary things happening somewhere away from our main cast. Letting them get trapped wherever they are and try to figure out what's happening and what's going on. It's very refreshing to see a movie lean into a lack of information- especially since we live in such a connected world. But it makes sense for Pontypool, a small rural town in Canada, to not have instant access to what's happening even in their own town. If something happens, someone has to report it to the police/news/something before you can search it elsewhere- and if those contacts aren't able to get information out (or are waiting for it to be confirmed before they spread possible misinformation)... well you're gonna have to make due.
Though the ending feels a bit abrupt and I wish we could have gotten more between our quiet scene and the finale- I still say this movie is worth a watch. Very fun!

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